How to Stay "Real" in the Modeling Industry

There are tons of beautiful women in the world and a select few go on to become models and even supermodels. However, beauty alone a model does not make. There are too many divas, snottier booties, and bad attitudes filling the industry, so if you hope to become a successful model, learn to practice humility and grace. It will take you a long way.

Don't let your ego get the best of you. While you may have the physical looks to stop traffic, don't let it go to your head. Being stuck on yourself will negatively impact your personality and eventually you'll start treating others differently. You as a model are replaceable.

Don't be a snob. Don't be a snob. Practice humility. It's great to receive compliments but take it with an air of grace. Models should be able to be humble and I find that the modeling job I admire the most are the ones that don't feel they are all that. Models that are humble are generally more fun to be around, whether it's during a shoot or doing non-model related activities.

Remember who you were before you stepped in front of the camera. If you catch yourself starting to become superficial and a part of the negative aspect of the modeling industry, take time to reflect on where you came from, you’re family, friends and those who support you. Whether you have a relatively easy life or one filled with many challenges, reflect on those memories and then evaluate where you are now and learn to be thankful for the opportunities that many do not have the chance to experience their entire lives.

Stay in touch with family and friends. Many successful models travel and stay constantly busy. This often causes them to lose contact with friends, family, and other loved ones. While there is nothing wrong with making friends or a makeshift family with other Modeling audition and professionals in the industry, they cannot replace those that you grew up with. Keeping that contact with friends and family through emails, phone calls, or in-person visits can help keep you grounded and remind you of who you were before.

Partying is so overrated. Partying is so overrated. Don't fall for the hype. It is easy to be intimidated by the glitz and so-called glamour that the modeling industry portrays but do not be blinded by it. It is important to remember that the modeling industry is first and foremost a business so treat it that way. Not only are you a model, you are professional so carry yourself as such. Parties, late nights, drinking, and hanging with the wrong crowd can detour even the strongest individual. Don't let the fast lanes dictate your life. It's never worth it in the end.

Stand out. Stand out. Remain independent. It is easy to rely on others to do things for you or influence you to think a certain way. Don't let the negative elements take over your beliefs, personality, or ethics. Possess your own thoughts, beliefs, and ideals.

Don't lose yourself. In the effort to please agencies and clients, many models will do anything to succeed and that includes losing excessive weight or drastically changing their looks. If the suggested changes will cause you to become unhealthy, negatively impact your body, or make you uncomfortable, take a step back and evaluate the situation. Really sit down and ask yourself what you will or won't do to make it.

Do stuff other than modeling. It's great to be passionate about modeling but you don't have to live and breathe it 24/7. Find time in your day to enjoy hobbies like reading and watching movies with friends. Doing such activities will also keep you grounded and not live a life so influenced by modeling.

Remember: the modeling world will last forever but life itself is short. Stay grounded by reminding yourself that there is life after modeling. Take the time to decide what other career paths interest you other than modeling. Nothing is sadder than seeing a model retire and not have any other plans to pursue.


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