How to make a Modeling Resume

Just like everybody else in the working world, models can profit from having a routine resume in adding to a portfolio to be believe for some modeling opportunities. Luckily, putting together your own modeling resume isn’t be hard and can come in handy when a client wants to read rather than see the work you’ve done.

In general, most clients who hire models are fine with looking at photos online and/or their book (portfolio) in person. anyhow, there are clients who also request a resume so they can see for themselves what companies you as a Casting call have worked with. Agency represented models may or may not have an online version of their resume along with their portfolio but freelance models will exceptionally profit from make their own modeling resume.

You don’t have to hire anyone professional make sure your modeling resume is up to par. It’s as simple as opening a blank Word document.

fortunately, there is no need for cover letters so only focus on the resume itself.

At the top should be your name, followed by your contact information (address is optional but I would not list such information). You can list your city and state, as well as your email and contact number you can be reached at. Your name should appear in big font and boded.

You can choose to add a small picture with your resume, which is optional. anyhow, it is a good idea so that the client can place a face with the name. Make sure it is in a good place on the resume (next to, under or on top of your name), and properly sized so it doesn’t bowl over the resume.

Unlike regular resumes, you don’t need an intention line, stating what type of situation you want. After listing your name and contact info, you’ll need to list your stats/measurements. The must-have information you need to include is: height, weight, age, bust, waist, hips, shoe size, inseam, eye color, and hair color. Ethnicity is optional.

Break up your resume into sections based on the type of work you’ve done. For example: PRINT, RUNWAY, PROMOTIONAL MODELING, VIDEO, TELEVISION, etc. Under each boded section headline, make a billeted list of each experience. Always include the name of the project (E.G. Rock the Runway Fashion Show), your title/role (E.G. Runway Model), and the name of the company or the director (E.G. Rock It Productions). Extra information is not needed. Make sure all your listed experience is uniform with the same information.

Once you’ve written your resume out with your previous experience, you can add in special skills or training after the experience section. The title of this section should also appear bolded and in a slightly larger font than the rest of your resume. Under SPECIAL SKILLS & TRAINING, you can list everything from acting and modeling classes to skills you have such as ballet, sports, or if you have played a musical instrument. This section, while optional, can be very helpful in letting a client know your abilities outside of teen models Oftentimes projects will come up where they need someone who not only models but who is an actual athlete, musician, etc. This section can potentially put you above the rest of the competition.

If you need assistance in creating your modeling resume, there are websites that offer modeling resume templates you can download. These simply require you to fill in your own information.

Once you have a final version of your resume that you are happy with, be sure to save the file using your name. When adding it as an attachment, you want clients to know right away what they are going to be opening. Before submitting your resume, make sure everything is spelled right, is grammatically correct and formatted properly.


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