Should you Attend a Modelling School

Like any profession, modeling can be learn. We are sure there are some reputable modeling schools out there but we would recommend you consider the following before paying out a lot of money for one.

1.You don’t need to go to modeling school to be a model. When you join an agency you will get the experience and training you need through test shoots, experience on the job, through conversation with your agent or personal manager, and, if necessary, from brief classes arranged, usually for free, by your agent.

2.A lot of what modeling Casting call teach is incorrect! Quite often the instructor in the schools are former models. This can be really great as they know a lot, however the industry is always moving and what may have been true when they were working may not be now. This does not mean you will not be able to get some valuable information from them. The big problem occurs when you find out that a lot of instructors aren’t models at all, and never were. They are just graduates of the schools, imperfectly passing on what they learned. They probably don’t really have the skills a professional model needs, and probably don’t know what skills you need.

3. Pictures from modeling schools aren’t what you really need. That’s not always true, of course. Once in a while a school gets lucky, or the manager is really good, and they get real, professional quality pictures done for their female models But the vast majority of the time they get junk. The school counts on the students and their parents not knowing any better, and they are usually correct. So all the money you spend on pictures is wasted. You could get selected by a real agency with simple snapshots just as easily.

4.They don’t tell you what you really need to know. At least, not if it keep them from advertising you classes, or pictures, or attendance at expensive convention that they say you should attend. They are a business. They make their money by taking it from you, not making it for you. So you can count on them not to tell you what keeps them from making money. What are some of those things?

a. There isn’t much modeling work where you live.
b. You can’t be a model in a big city unless you live in the big city.
C .Unless you are a skinny, long-legged 5’10" 16 year old girl, you are going to have to pay all the expenses of relocating to where there really is modeling work. And with no guarantees of ever actually getting any.
D .People who hire models, and model agencies, don’t care that you’ve been to modeling school.
e. You don’t need to know how to walk on a runway. OK, maybe if you are that tall skinny 16-year old you do, but the agency will teach you that in an hour. Nobody else needs to learn the runway walk. That’s not the kind of modeling they will do.
F .A photographer can’t take good portfolio pictures of ten people in a day.

Now the above isn’t always true, but it’s so commonly close to the truth that you’d better assume it is true until someone proves otherwise in your case.


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