Fashion Magazines - Why Read Them?

Many women and now men love reading fashion magazines, partly because they see the models and the lifestyle and this is something they want to be a part of. However are they really worth reading or are they just a waste of paper.

Many people dislike fashion magazines as they see them as just one long advert. Going from page to page, many of the stories look like adverts with just pictures of clothes and no real explanation about who they would suit best.

However there are many positive things that can be said about fashion magazines and what they can offer you.

The best thing about these magazines is that they now not only show skinny models but have also branched out into showing voluptuous and plus size men and women that consumers appreciate. Gone is the belief that only reed-thin people have the right to look good and be fashionable.

Designers have realized that the market of plus-sized consumers is now much larger and so they have made designs specifically for this niche market.

Some people do believe that fashion magazines can distort the readers' self-image by presenting glamorous and beautiful young models on their covers and pages. However people have a big use for fashion magazines as you can often find clothes that will actually look great on your body type.

You can also find useful tips on how to mix and match clothes you already have in your wardrobe to create a great new look. Sometimes, you will also find high street clothes that are in the style of top designer clothes which will enable you to create that designer look for a decent cost. In fact, some of the better fashion magazines will feature high street shops where you can find great buys without costing more than you can afford. Others also feature the regular working class donning designer apparel to emphasize that everybody can and should wear whatever they feel comfortable in.

As more and more people recognize the dangers of wanting to be thin in the belief that thinner people look better, fashion magazines also build awareness on eating disorders and other such diseases that may result from crash diets and starving yourself to achieve what you consider your ideal weight.

Publishers have become more responsible in making their readers aware of being healthy no matter what your size is. This is one major factor why consumers no longer scoff at the thought of anyone consulting a fashion magazine for whatever reason.

In some magazines, you will also find advice corners where readers can post their questions from achieving a great look for whatever occasion, to finding the best clothes within their budget to health concerns, even.

The bottom line is that the evolution of fashion magazines have made them not only more enjoyable to read but, more importantly, more informative for the readers. While it is true that runway female models may still look more perfect than you, bear in mind that the pictures have undergone enhancement via computer technology so, sometimes, what you see is already the improved version. However be selective, don't just go for the big names, sample different fashion magazines and read the ones that make you feel good.


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